
Friday 29 June 2012

Your dream, your guide to realize your aspirations.

                                 Life is pretty short and one cant predict one's days on this earth. The excitement switch needs to be always turned on to keep life going on. Never brush off your dream thinking that its just another one.  You never know which road leads you to Rome.It might be the same dream (read wish) that visits you often. Beneath the repeated knocks on your door, there must be an underlying factor - your strong desire to fulfill that wish that has been lying deep down in your heart for sometime now. The first step might sound confusing and might increase your pulse rate. But that's the moment you would cherish for the rest of your life and leave a story to pass it on to the generations. 

Tuesday 26 June 2012

The power of a dream.

                          Are dreams really powerful? Can a dream bring out the true potential in an individual? I would say yes. In a lay man's term, a dream is the result of a hidden desire or an unfilled wish which we are very passionate about. The human brain is designed such that it can understand its owner's feelings. Our emotions are constantly noticed and absorbed by the brain and it lets them out in the form of a dream arousing further interest in our unfulfilled wishes. A dream is an unseen guardian that ignites a strong determination thereby helping us fall in love with ourselves.A dream is as powerful as the words " I can". Its a dream that can unveil our hidden strength and grant us the courage and the confidence to reach that goal or aim in life that we have been always passionate about. A dream is a magical wand that transforms you overnight!! No dream is ordinary and no dream can stop you from being what you want to be. Do not ignore a dream for its from your own sub conscious pleading you to pursue your goals. Its never late to realize what you want to be or how high you want to fly. Its a dream that can help you unleash from hidden fears and ignite a flaming desire within you to make your dream come true. A dream is a ray of hope for those who want to know what they want to achieve in their lives. Though every individual is blessed with a poetic heart from within, not every wish can be expressed with a clear understanding. Its a dream that fills the gap. It helps us understand and overcome our short comings. The moment you realize where you want to be in life, half the journey has been successfully done. How to do that is a simple part once you understand your strength.  There is a hidden strength in each one of us and its a dream that helps us bring out our best.