
Thursday 21 March 2013

You never know when inspiration strikes!!!!

                                        If there was one death that hurt me and disturbed me, it was my maid’s. There are 3 women  who shaped my life – my mother, sister and my maid. My mother always told me that she has been there  since I was born. She must be in her early 30’s when I was born. I grew up playing with her as my mother was a working woman. She bathed me, fed me and played with me while my mother was away at work. Never once did she teach me anything wrong. She went on to bring up my brother and sister the same way but she was always closer to me. She herself never had any kids. The first time I was put in a hostel and I came home for holidays, she waited for me anxiously and touched my face and continued to bathe me. I was a teenager then. I somehow liked her affection and always brought her something or the other when I came home during my vacation. I joined my medicine and used to give her few medicines when she had health problems. She had this look on her face which used to make me feel very happy. She was obviously very proud of the fact that the child whom she brought up has become a doctor and is treating her now. During all these years, never did she stop her routine of oiling my hair and bathing me.  During the years, I taught her how to write alphabets in English and she used to learn with interest. Once my mother told me her story. She ran away from her house while she was pretty young and married a man of her choice. She obviously eloped with him. She bore hi m no kids but her husband never once complained. She brought up his sister’s kids and she was an affectionate lady. My mother always used to gift her saree for the festival and a day later she used to tear it into half and get her kids stiched something o f it. I used to wonder why but over the years I realised that she was giving to her kids out of what she had.  I started working and whether I set my tith aside or not, I always had  certain amount for her set apart.  I was kind of addicted to her presence in my family. After few months, her husband passed away and I could clearly see that she was grief struck. She would no longer cheer up. She used to complete all her work in silence and long lost was her smile but never her affection. She still used to oil my hair and bathe me. I wanted her to come off with me to the city and all she would do was to give me an affectionate smile. My mother asked her to stay with us in our house. Even she agreed. Later, my mother rang me early morning one day to inform me that my maid has passed away. She passed away with the grief that her husband was no more. It took me a while to understand that she was no more. Over the years, the time I spent with her remained as sweet memories for me.  Its been almost 3 years that she has passed away but she has always been there in my memories. Now when I turn back and think of those times, I realise that she helped me grow as a good human being. Her never fading smile and the way she took care of me all through those years helped me believe in humanity. Today, I proudly state that my maid has been one of those 3 women who inspired me.
                          Many times in life, people come in your life, make a mark with their existance and leave with their trace. Its up to us to decide as how to draw inspiration from them. We might not realise their importance while they are still with us. Atleast drawing  inspiration from their presence and moving on to realise our dreams would be a better way to pay a tribute to them.