
Wednesday 9 January 2019

Thick skin towards Rejection!

You might not like what I write but why should you get used to Rejection? Getting used to means getting comfortable with something that is not your typical behavior. Well, if you ask me, I would say, never ever get used to Rejection. Treat it as a luxury that you cannot afford.
I faced my first rejection at the age of 24. I had everything served on my wish plate until then. I wanted to do my Masters in Sports Physiotherapy. Now that field was even rarely selected by boys and here I was, pouring another wish of Sports Physiotherapy, abroad to my parents. I was the eldest daughter, the darling of even my maid and they would by no means approve my plans. I cried, revolted, begged, fasted until hungry, but nothing would change my parents' mind. While my other friends were planning studies abroad, I was sulking and slowly started working. By the time they flew abroad, I had a stable job as a Physiotherapist. Me-1, Rejection-0.
I wanted to shift professional sector and started applying for jobs in MNC. I was rejected by a Top Company and them out of their generosity offered to train me and hire me based on my improvement. So they rejected to hire me right away. I was beyond mad. I took it upon me to get into the company. Months later, among 100s of candidates who applied for a job in that company that day, I was the first among 3 to walk away with an offer letter with a package that blew my mind. If I got used to the Rejection, I would have been as a Physiotherapist and not where I am today. Me-2, Rejection-0.
I wanted to settle down emotionally and thought the guy who proposed me was a good match. Until he decided someone else was good for him. You can read that here. How did your ex made you a better person? If I only sulked and remained depressed, I wouldn’t have been where I am today in my life. Me-3, Rejection-0.
I was doing well in my career and all of a sudden a colleague tries his hands at harassing me. I was advised to take it in my stride and my request to look into the issue was rejected by the Management. I took the matter in my own hands and ensured that the guy wets his pants every time he thinks of me. You can read that here. When was a time you had submit your resignation in style? If I chose to remain silent in spite of the injustice done to me, I wouldn't have been the strong woman that I am today. Me-4, Rejection-0.
So you never succumb to rejections and feel its ok to get accustomed to rejection. No, it is not! Standing tall every time you are falling down is what you ought to do! 

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