
Thursday 20 December 2012

Don't drench your dreams in the pour of your sorrows.

                         After dinner, as usual I sat with my friends for a normal chat. I could feel an uneasy pain at the back of my head radiating to the front of my face. I knew what was coming forth - a migraine attack, one of the very few things that drained me. I went back on time for 24 hrs and thought as what might be the reason for this pain. I could think of only one sin - getting drenched in the rain by mistake. Unfortunately, am poor at meteorological stuff and I was only steps away from my place when it started pouring. In a haste to reach my place, I got drenched. The result - migraine, an unbearable pain. My parents didn't spare a single neurologist in the process of getting me cured. Nothing worked out. My sober life has curbed down my headaches but couldn't get them off my head forever. I couldn't sleep the whole night and began to wonder a show silly things can spoil the joy and happiness of our short lived life. Until few hours back I was a picture perfect - an energetic gal and a small step resulted in me lying on my bed sick.

                      That's  how life is. At times we falter to differentiate between our dreams - a dream that can breathe in a new lease of life in us and a dream that can drain us. It would be fantastic if we could swap our sorrows woth other's joys. But fairy tales are far from reality. We are responsible for our mistakes and ought to either correct them or carry the baggage for the rest of our l ives. A silly mistake can lead us through unexpected troubles. It's very important to identify which dream gives you the moments that take your breath away.

Sunday 16 December 2012

Rainbow of Promise!

                                     It’s been a long time that I attended my mother church. I've decided that the Christmas season is the best time to attend the mass and experience happiness within me. While through the mass, the Father was delivering his message. He was talking about “Noah’s ark”. As a child, I thought that Noah built the ark the same way I used to make paper boats. What always fascinated me about Noah’s story was the dove which came back with an olive branch. It was an indication that the earth is dry and fertile enough for human living and cultivation. In fact, this dove was like a weather reporter for Noah and his people in the ark. The dove has remained my favorite bird since then. But today, am listening to something new. A weather forecaster—a rainbow. After the flood subsides and Noah leads the way to earth for a new beginning, Lord God repents for what he has done to the man kind and as a covenant between Him and the people, He creates a rainbow as a sign that never would there be any massive human disaster on the Earth. The rainbow is a sign of promise that God has given to the human kind. The rainbow has been placed between the clouds so that God can remember His covenant with His people.

                                     Life is exactly like a rainbow. We experience sorrows and pain and this is quite   enough to   devastate our confidence. At times, it seems that the pain is never ending. You feel the pinch every second and that limits peace in life. You feel that amid of a busy crowd, you are the only one who are at a stand point. Everyone seem to be running after their dreams while you are lost and drowned in our misery. The time you invested, the memories attached to it, the pain you took every moment to take a step towards what you loved might be futile and that is like a stab on already wounded heart. And when its time for you to take a next step towards another journey, you are all hurt, down and low on confidence. You might tend to lose even your self-esteem. You are skeptical about every decision you take and every inch you move. You look at every direction for a possible guidance and you tend to be more confused. But remember – “Too many cooks spoil the broth”.

                                    Never forget the fact that every cloud has a silver lining and I call it a rainbow. A rainbow of promise that if you can clear the moist off your eyes, all you will see is the a bright rainbow. A rainbow of Promise- promise of good things, hope and joy. I accept the fact that when you are upset and sulking in your own cave, you might not be able to just walk up to the window and open the door for the sunlight at night. You need to wait for the dawn. The dawn to break the darkness and fill your room with the sunlight. Sometimes, the wait might seem too longer. However, there is a season for every activity under the heaven. Lord led the Israelites through the red sea, deep forests for years. But when He gave them, He gave them Manna and a land of milk and honey.  All you need is a stable heart and confident mind that only you know what is best for you. Trust your instincts and take the step forward. Never let the pain in your mind blind the view of hope and your dreams….

Sunday 9 December 2012

Breathe in Perfection!!

                 “If you don’t mind me asking, may I know how long have you been in this business?’ ”22 years” he answered without even looking at the direction from which the question has come. No wonder. It was showing up in his work. I met this man half an hour back when I walked into his courier service office. I bought a star and wind chimes for Christmas and wanted to send them home to surprise my sister. It took me less than 10 mins to choose them but it felt that I was in this office forever to send them home. I was watching them struggle to pack my items. I sighed and relaxed in the chair as I knew that I will have to skip my lunch.This man was working on his computer while the other staff was busy trying to pack my items. He saw them for a brief moment. He walked slowly to the desk and gave a long glance at what they were doing. I was growing impatient. The man asked one of the office boys to get a cardboard. While I was still wondering as what he would do with a cardboard, the office boy came back with a thick cardboard. I was curious now. The man carefully cut the cardboard in the shape of a folded star and taped the cardboard at the edges. He covered the bells of the wind chimes with a paper and put the wind chimes in the “star shaped cardboard pack”. This was interesting. He was so involved in what he was doing and I could see the passion with which he was packing the items. When he replied 22 years, I looked around in the room I was sitting. There were many trophies which he won over the years. “I shall try my best and lets hope that the courier is delivered undamaged.”I looked at him and there lay on the table before me a neatly packed cover which had my items in it. I thanked him profusely and all he said was “Welcome my dear”.I was happy that would be delivered safe as they were taken care of “safe hands”. Though my sister called me later to tell me that two of the bells were broken, I didn't feel bad as I knew that this guy was absolutely amazing in what he did. Had it been someone else, my items would have been delivered in a bad shape.

             That’s how life and dreams are! Life throws many surprises. It’s upto us how to realise our dreams with perfection. We need to ensure that our dreams have a safe landing- from our minds to reality. Passion and dedication is what you need to have to dream and breathe in perfection!