
Sunday 14 April 2013

Don't wait to watch your dreams turning to a pile of memories!!!

                                                 I was embarrassed  as he was looking at those pics in the album. I was so fat, dark and had a tummy too big for my size as a kid. Not that I've grown up to be a beauty now, yet somehow they embarrassed me and the pics were not pleasant to watch. My cousin has come home as my mum wanted  to  celebrate his birthday at our place. She often called him her eldest kid. I never felt jealous though I was being ripped off my first born rights. He was like a true son to my mother. Career has always kept me away from my duties and responsibilities but my cousin has never forgotten to be at my mum’s side even at the dark of the night. My sister was passing comments as how I looked as a kid. He just said ,” I've known you like this and I carried you in my arms since you were a kid”. That was a relief! Knowing that someone has been with you since your dark or rather embarrassing days  makes a lot of difference. I have to add that this maternal cousin of mine has been my favorite brother. No wonder for all the traits he has, mum considers him an apple of her eye. His own parents call up my mum if they have to advise him. Over the years, he has never failed to  appear with a birthday cake on my mum’s b'day which also falls on the Christmas.  

                                               Today, after lunch, we sat for a conversation which was quite different from the usual ones that brother and sister have. He spoke at a length about the Bible, the dreams he dreamt of and how things went against his favor in the eleventh hour. Everyone in the family knew that he wanted to set up his own business as somewhere he believed that he wasn't cut out for 9-6 job. He wanted to be with his parents and wanted to be at their side during any hour. Mocks could be heard around but I always blessed his guts as no one would be ready to forsake a promising career to be awaiting an unseen situation which might need his presence. He has been my inspiration and my favorite brother. Amid protests he started his own business and as usual put his heart and soul in it. As he spoke I was expecting a happy story. As much as he spoke, he explained how things went wrong at the last moment turning the tables against him. He said, “ I felt that someone was working against me”. If it wasn't for my mum who has seen him going through all this, I would have rubbished it off.  All through this, he has never let himself down. He has his spirits in place and of course, his dreams tightly held to his chest. I was curious to know his next step now that every tide is against him. He quoted the Bible,” If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? " I knew what he had in his mind. He was talking about  dreams being heard by God who wouldn't turn a deaf ear. My brother isn't definitely a mediocre who ignores the fact that God helps those who help themselves.He has been playing his cards well and has been trying his best and am confident that he would make it big one day.
                                         As I've always said, everyone dreams. However very few make their dreams come true. Life has never been guaranteed trouble free. Rather a life which comes as a non stop entertainment doesn't inspire us. The struggles we face and the manner in which we revolt back to normalcy defines our strength. Dream,  face the struggles and emerge as a winner! Just don't live to see your dreams turning to a pile of memories... 
It's never late....

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