
Tuesday 28 August 2012

Page turn over....

                      Victor took a word from me that I would be at my best and clear this interview. We quit the company we were working and are in search of a job that would help us dust off the "Call Center" league. For all the support he has rendered, I decided that I could do this much. While I was still lost in my own thoughts, The HR called out on our names and informed us that we would be talking to his "Trainer”. Victor and I decided that we would stick on to our "magic number". Victor was called in and I was waiting for him to come and give me the good news that the so called "Trainer" had agreed upon the magic number. We were told that today we had to just negotiate on our salary and we would be receiving our offer letters. I was so excited for the fact that our families were just a call away to listen to our good news. It was 15 mins that Victor has been to meet the "Trainer". While I was still wondering what was taking Victor so long in the room, I saw him coming with a neutral expression. Before even I could ask him what happened, I was called in. I went inside and took a chair, only to listen to some mumbling. Even before I could strain my ears to hear what that was, the man in the room spoke, "Do not mind. Am talking to myself". Strange! So this must be the "Trainer". I waited for him to finish his mumbling and after few moments, he turned his face towards me and said, "So, you must be Priyaanka! Can you brief me about your profile". I have been through this many times and I went with the flow. His next question took me off guard for a moment. "Please talk about something that interests you". I now realized why Victor had that face. We were imagining about our magic numbers and here I am trying to talk about something that interests me.
                     I reminded myself of the promise I made to Victor and decided to talk about my blog as it was the only thing that was keeping me occupied in my unemployed days. I told him about how my journey began, how I dreamt of becoming Monica Seles when I was a kid and where I am today. He waited for me patiently to complete and asked me what my dream is now. I told him that I am in the process of differentiating between my fantasies and my dreams. I was still wondering where this conversation was heading towards, he began in a slow and relaxed voice – “I was the shortest guy in the whole school.  In spite of my mum being a teacher in the same school, I was bullied by the strongest kids. I always was worried if I ever would get married being so short. I wanted to become stronger, and be confident so that the bullying would end. I finished my schooling with all these thoughts.  I started working out and as my muscles started bulging, the confidence in me started building up. After I finished my graduation, I came across the same guy who bullied me to my nerve ends while in the school. The guy apparently couldn’t recognize me but was in awe of me when he realized that it was me. I am now happily married to a beautiful woman and am a proud father of two kids.  When I look back now, it’s just like a page turned over for me and the pages continue”.
                       The last sentence caught me off my guard. What did he mean by a page turned over? Didn’t he come a long way to realize his dream? Isn’t he supposed to enjoy the hangover? Then I memorized the latter part of his sentence – “pages continue”. I have seen people being over whelmed with happiness on being successful. I am here, talking to a person who came a long way and still talks as if it was nothing but a page turned over. In a way, he was teaching me something new – a dream is like a page. Once you make it to come true, turn it over so that you might have a new page to read – a new dream to realize and breathe in.  What he spoke next lifted my spirits. No, it wasn’t about the “magical number”. In his own words, “I have achieved my dreams and am quite satisfied with the way things turned out for me. I do not know what your dream is but am glad that I have met you – “someone who did not just stop after reaching her dream but continues to motivate people to breathe their dreams”. I thanked him for that and told him that it was amazing conversations like this that inspire me to write something. I told him that if he ever reads my blog, he shouldn’t be surprised to see our conversation in my blog. He told me that he would go through my blog. This was unexpected and then it struck me that “When the student is ready, the “Trainer” appears.
                      I was done with the conversational interview and I came out to meet an anxious Victor who told me that it’s been half an hour that I was called in for the interview. I told him that I would tell him in detail as what happened in the interview. Hence, this piece of writing.
                     Trainer, if you are reading this, apologizes for the fact that I couldn’t take your name that day.

Sunday 19 August 2012

A father's dream for her daughter! Too good:)

                        As usual, I sat with my father for an usual conversation. Since the time I started this blog I have been nagging him about many topics so that I can gain a bit of knowledge from him. Everyday we talk about something new - sports, an invention, politics, the weather, books what not? He has been a sort of an encyclopedia for me since my childhood. He drew virtual images of "The Garden of Eden" for me and helped me polish my geographical knowledge. I learnt how to be down to earth in the process of trying to imitate him as a kid. I later on grew to live in that phase with perfection. All the appreciations that I received in the science fairs have been the example of his intellect. I learnt to live life the simplest way from him and he made me understand the difference between luxuries and necessities though he always made sure that I had the best luxuries a my disposal. Coming from a "hand - to- mouth" family, he went on to climb the ladder of success with great efforts and every step had its own story and a memoir. Every time I sat with him, I get the chance to listen to a success story.

                      During one such conversations, I asked my dad what he expected from me as his firstborn. I was all ears to what he had to say. He summed it up in one beautiful sentence - "Make your own world".

                      Later, I sat to myself and thought about what just happened. Trying to be a fit in this world is what I have been trying to do since the day I have been in the cradle and it would continue until I am placed in a grave. He must have noticed that recognized the fact that I have been in a haste to compete with the rest of the world and I was losing my own existence. I am a Medical graduate but never took up that profession. I went on to choose a different field to earn my bread and he never stopped me from that. I was away from home for months together and he didn't raise his voice. He allowed me to take every step at my own will. He never once questioned me. He never tried to clip my wings when I wanted to fly. I was busy trying to make a mark in my career that I chose and he waited to hear from me with patience. I wondered what might have made him advise me this after letting me be on my own all these years.

                      I then realized that he had a dream for me. A beautiful dream in which he wants me not to compromise on my values and principles while trying to match my pace in the life's journey. Winning might be the goal but compromising on the morals can never be the best strategy. I made a oath to myself the last might that, Come what may, I would still continue to stick on to my morals and the principles he taught me. My success might come a second late however, I would be still a winner. Rather, a survivor.


Monday 13 August 2012

Understand your dreams.

           To start realizing your dreams, you need to understand your dreams and it is a journey worth taking. You are unique and only you can realize and understand what keeps you healthy or makes you sick in this journey. Understanding your dreams will help you in make better choices while pursuing your dreams.  I came across a book in which an author gives her thoughts about understanding our dreams. According to her, in understanding our dreams, we can learn about our deep secrets and hidden ambitions. No one is a better expert at understand our dreams.

          Oprah Winfrey says-" It's now time to feel what you have been resisting perhaps for most of your life. This takes real courage but remember, the only alternative is an unfulfilled dream. Whenever you lose your focus, patiently bring it back. Let your awareness remain soft and steady, without attempting to do anything. And that means it can no longer deter your dream. You'll be able to stop procrastinating, work longer and harder, uplifted by an exhilarating flow."

           When your dreams are clear you can create goals that are aligned with your dreams and begin to create the life you choose to live. Dreams are valuable, and the first step is getting clear on your dreams. Think about what you will do, be, and have when your life is ideal. Life can allow you to accomplish a dream every once in a while, but consistent achievement happens only if you love what you are doing.We all have dreams and wishes.  Unless we do something about them, that is exactly what they remain.  It is action that brings our dreams and wishes to life.  We can do this by setting goals and taking it step by step until our goals are realized. If you have ever felt such tremendous enthusiasm and desire for something that you would gladly spend all your waking hours working on it, that you would happily do without pay, then you have found your passion.

Sunday 5 August 2012

Overcome your nemesis!

             Who we are makes a difference. Utilizing this unique difference, we either can choose to define success or failures or let them define us. Take your life in your own hands and do you realize what happens? You have overcome your nemesis. Today, I want you to read about a young lady who overcame her nemesis with her strong will. She is miles away from the geographical location from the place I am located right now but yes, always just a step front to guide.

             I met her few years back when I had the pleasure of sharing the same accommodation with her. She came in with a traveler's bag and without even a formal introduction, she answered my surprise glances. "It's my dream to go abroad", she started. Got an admission in the college for my Masters and I bought this bag to pack my luggage. Things didn't go the way they planned and my Visa was rejected. I use this bag now so that it is not stuck somewhere in my store room". Behind that formal and jovial expressions, I felt that was sad about it. Of course, she was! But she was beyond that frame of her mind where she would be upset about her dreams being stuck. After becoming friends with her, I realized that instead of hanging the bag in the store room, she dumped her restlessness and disappointment in the dark room and here she is - on  new journey only to see her dreams come true. We went on to become good friends and as the days flew, I realized that she carried this traveler's bag to the accommodation to remind herself of the journey she missed.  We joined the same firm and I came to know more about her.

            In her own words -" I come from a modest background and I lost my father when I was yet to enter my teens. My mother until then who was a home maker, had to turn overnight into a bread maker. She struggled to make our ends meet and let alone afford us corporate education. But she never backed up. Fortunate enough, my sister and I were athletes and we secured good seats. We joined Professional course and we realized that my mother has been working relentlessly for years now. I then took up private jobs and became successful. My mother recognizing the talent in me, wanted to send me abroad for better opportunities. She counted all her savings on me and was ready to see me take the flight. But fat had something else in store. Trust me Priyaanka, am not upset with what has happened because I know that one day, am just going to be there and it's just a matter of time".

            My career flew us a little distance apart and we lost contact. Thanks to the social networking site, early this year, I had the chance of talking to her. I was glad beyond words to know that she is where she wanted to be! We started talking like good old times and asked her how this all has happened. She just had one sentence to speak - "I overcame my nemesis". Today, she is a licensed therapist abroad and happily enjoying the aroma of her success. She guides young aspirants who want to go abroad and realize their dreams.

           Failures are common in our lives. But the way we bounce back to overcome defines us. We have to learn the facts of our lives on our own and there are plenty to learn. Our attempts to succeed and the failures we face on the way only can help us to overcome our nemesis.