
Tuesday 11 September 2012

The Other Side of Life..........

                            This week, for a change there is neither a topic nor a person to talk about. I have been blank for a while and haven't really thought about what I should be writing this time. My journey on the tough road must have temporarily blocked my thought process. This reminds me the concept of " Pain gate theory". Pain, interestingly, isn't the activated result of any cells but is a modulated perception between the nerve cells. The neural gate present in the spinal cord opens and closes, thereby modulating the perception of pain. In a way, the neurons enact as  Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Sounds strange but a mere nerve cell holds the key of our emotions. In the race of life, we seldom forget how we let small factors take control of our lives. Even while I write this, am still spell bound by the factor that a neuron decides when to let me cry or laugh.

                            Coming back to our Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (read good and bad days of life), you must have been through a rough phase where everything seemed to be opposing your happiness It must have been challenging and dull, giving no room for fairness, but trying to drag you down and attempting you to erase your dreams. Every experience you come across here is a data that you need to make choices from that take you down different paths, at times throwing you to the brighter side of life. All those experiences are hidden somewhere deep down in your heart and you can never erase those memories. They are like Mr. Hyde peeping every now then and then trying to take you down the memory lane. Even while we take pride in the fact that we dealt with the situation, we fight back tears thinking of the pain we went through all the while.

                            It is at this juncture that you either chose to be Dr. Jekyll and move in the direction of breathing your dreams or let Mr. Hyde take over the reins and ruin them. While you are fighting Mr. Hyde to realize your dreams, you cant help but watch people walking ahead of you and realize their dreams. Its important to maintain your cool as that's how life is : Stops for none. In the race of life, do not worry of people moving ahead of you. Take your own time. Don't be in a haste to match the pace of life. But once you are ready to run, just make sure that you are the best of all. 

                            While you are down, your guide and mentor ought to be only your instincts. People teach you, preach and even scare you. But the basic truth remains the same - No one can predict the future. No one can guide you better than your instincts. Sometime back, I received this message - If an egg is broken bu an external force, a life ends. If the same egg is broken by an inside force, a life begins. Great things always begin from inside. Trust yourself. Rain or shine, Storm and sharks, believe in yourself and keep going!

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