
Thursday 19 July 2012

Be like the dreamers of the day!

             I woke up to the sounds of joy and cheers in my house. Being a nocturnal human, am used to missing the early sun shines and birds humming. I was told that my brother has cleared his C.A Final exams. For a moment, I went back to the past. We were two sisters and a brother born in a hyper educated family (I coined the name after I lost the track of degrees my mum earned). My sister and I went on to complete our Medicine in Physiotherapy and my brother started his C.A. My parents were sure of where they wanted to see us and I guess we never disappointed them in that matter. But my brother's struggle should be mentioned here.

            After High School, my mum told him that it was her dream to see him as a Chartered Accountant. He was all game for it. I wonder back then whether he even knew the responsibilities of a Chartered Accountant. I come from a small town where the world wakes up at 6and sleeps at 9pm. Little exposure to corporate world. He joined a college not far from our place. He started chalking out his own plans to realize my mum's dreams. If my mum dreamt on his behalf, my brother enacted her dream with ease. The first challenge came in the form of age inadequacy. Unlike local private schools, this is a national forum and his application for the exam returned unapproved as he was short of the required age. He had to wait patiently for his turn and meanwhile went on to complete other courses which might help him in the near future. When it was his turn, he scored a national rank and that was his first success but definitely not the last. He simultaneously went on to complete his Masters in Commerce and by the time he completed his C.A, he has a Maters degree in Commerce where he was a regular student an a E MBA degree which he pursued through distant education.  To a reader, all this seems quite normal. But for a 20 plus something guy who has little exposure to the big world, this is an achievement.

           As a matter of fact, it wasn't his dream. During a confession chat with my brother, I asked him what was his dream..He told me that he always dreamt of making my mother's dream come true. He never had any back up plans as he was pretty confident that he was going to make it come true. He went on to follow his dreams. In an era where we shout at the top f our voices about our right to dream, this guy is an inspiration for many more there. A guy who generously allowed his parents to dream for him and went on to achieve them with confidence, curiosity, courage and constancy.

           All men dream but not equally. Those who dream by the night in the dusky recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity; but the dreamers of the day are the dangerous men for they act with open eyes to make it possible.



  1. Read thru all, word by word.. Hope u r employed now, else bits of writing keep coming and am not quite ready for this overwhelming lil bit of everything.. By the way, they did make a good read, warmer than the person I knew.. Each word just screams out to me this is written under STP(look it up).. So did the "trainer hire you?"(curious)..

  2. First off thanks for reading . Thats a warm gesture fro
    m someone like you. l am still in search of a job. The trainer chose me but I opted against it.I started writing after I quit working as I wanted to record my work lest someone steal my work and steal the glory. Had been a victim once.
