
Saturday 14 July 2012

Get out of your own way!

Ever felt directionless in life? Thought that dreams are just dreams and not taking you anywhere? Ever felt that you are at a stand point whereas the whole worls is moving at a fast pace? Lot of questions but not a single answer? Wondering the very meaning of your existence on this planet Earth? Worried that criticisms have been piling up inspite of all the hardwork that you put up? Trying hard to motivate yourself? If you have answered positive to any one of these questions, pat your back and just say that its quite normal.

          Tom Cochrane sings-
                   Well, life's like a road that you travel on
                   There's one day here and the next day gone
                   Sometimes you bend, sometimes you stand
                   Sometimes you turn your back to the wind

           Not every day can be bright. You might wake up in the morning to watch the sun shining bright and another day you might wake up to see the same sun hiding behind the clouds. Rain or shine, you are the master of your life and no one can question it. Many things happen just in a blink of an eye and not all the happenings bring a smile on your face. For a moment you enjoy them and the next moment you wonder whether it was a dream. The only thing that stays with you and says " until-death- does-apart" is the passion for your dreams. If you have a dream, you have to protect it. Things might not be working the way you wanted them to be. It is common because you that gives you a chance to think different. If your "old school thoughts" aren't allowing you to think different, then it's time you get out of your own way. Sometimes, your biggest obstacle can be "you". You need to step back and think as how you want to be perceived- " A man who believed in his dreams and lived to see them come true" or " Once upon a time, there lived a man who dreamt of making it big".
           Its just one life. And one single shot -either to make it or break it. It is that "one step" that can either throne you or dethrone you.

           Remember what Will Smith said in the film "Hitch"- "Life is not the amount of breaths you take, it's the moments that take your breath away".

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