
Sunday 15 July 2012

Put your jacket on!

                Today, I was watching the film, "The Karate Kid".A kid who comes to China along with his mother is beaten up by the local kids ans in order to save himself from being bullied, starts learning "Kung Fu" from Jackie Chan. For the first few days, the kid is taught to put on his jacket, take it off, drop it on to the ground, pick it up and hang it on. The regime remains the same to the kid's surprise. Bored of doing the same thing time and again, the kid confronts his master telling him that with this he cant beat his opponents. The Mater's reply in his own words -"Kung Fu lives in everything we do, Xiao Dre! It lives in how we put on the jacket, how we take off the jacket. It lives in how we treat people! Everything... is Kung Fu". To the kid's surprise, he realizes that he has built his muscles just by picking up his jacket and he has learnt the basics of "Kung Fu".

              Many times in our life, we are tired of  putting on our dreams. Probably,  too tired to put them on after dropping them on to the ground. Is it that because we are going through rough times, we no more want to wear our jackets ever again? When we are going through rough roads, at times, it feels best to wait and let the time pass on while we are doing nothing. But being still and doing nothing are two different things. When we try to look at our image in a  pool of plain water, we see a clear image But when we try to see the same image through rippled water, we see a blurry image. Its good that we wait until the ripples calm down so that we can see the clearer image. But growing impatient and not even trying to wait for the water to plain down is like doing nothing and unforgivable. We need to realize the fact that our dreams are the essence of our lives. They move inside of us and flow through our bodies to give us power from within. Why do you have to try so hard to fit in when you born to stand out?

              Paul Coelho wrote " It's the possibility of having a dream that makes life interesting". Life doesn't give its reasons as why it wants us to drop our dreams and hang them on. But the truth is that we hang on our jacket only to put it on again. Love your dreams and you are half way through your victory. When we hope to fly, we ought to be ready to fall down for the first time. Falling down doesn't mean that we drop our dreams of flying. Every morning you wake up, you have to make some decisions. These decisions might want you to put on your jacket or hang it on.  Life will knock us down, but we can choose whether or not to stand back up. And History share its pages only with those who stand up to their dreams.




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