
Wednesday 11 July 2012

Dream for satisfaction..Success follows

           Many a time we aren't sure of what we want in our lives. At times we have this strong urge to be successful because success makes us rich. As kids, we all might have dreamt of becoming a pilot, a doctor, a teacher or a model. As we grew up, we realized that they were our fantasies and we either decided to follow one of them seriosuly to make a career or chose a different one all together. The basic reason still being the same: to be successful. The idea of success holds different meanings for different people. Being rich has become the synonym for the word success in the recent times. But changed time has brought a change in the way people perceive success. People have realized that money can never guarantee happiness, health and success.

          Its always good to dream of making it big because dreams do come true. But one should have a clear idea of wat success means to them. During one of my conversations with one of my friends, he told me this "Learning some thin out of the box is more satisfying. Being good and learning some thing unusual which no one would have even thought of is more satisfying". Simple thought but sounded satisfying. Passion towards our dreams and optimism are required to give a practical shape to our dreams. According to Azriel Hirish Friedman, "Our lives are cluttered with dreams that have died, left abandoned as life swept us on. All our dreams -- even the silly ones -- contain a point of our deepest yearning to unabashedly invest our heart and soul into life".

         Dreaming to make it big is like a farmer digging for a pool of water. In India, where the traditional occupation is farming, every farmer's dream remains the same - a green field. A farmer doesnt find the water spring the moment he starts digging. He breaks through hard ground, moves away all the rocks and after hours  (sometimes days) of struggle, the thirsty ground becomes damp. Dig deeper and you uncover a beautiful underground stream that washes away everything in its path.The earth and rocks are the obstacles -- pessimism, unrealistic planning, incorrect beliefs, negative character traits -- that keep us from feeling truly alive.The farmer's idea of digging deeper into the ground might sound tiring but at the end of the day, he is the owner of the green spread in fromt of us.All our dreams -- even the silly ones -- contain a point of our deepest yearning to unabashedly invest our heart and soul into life. Use your unique set of talents to refine your endless opportunities and believe in your ability to actualize your deepest dreams of what life could be.

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